Why are the americans so suprised people outside of the US have a very strong opinion about _their_ president.
I'm from the Netherlands. Can i vote against a war in Iraq? No. Can i vote to keep net neutrality? No. etc.
If you put things in perspective, my vote counts as much as a vote for a local mayor. Because our country is just small. (and has no big ass we-are-gonna-boss-the-world-around-look-at-the-size-of-my NUKES)
I mean, the US plays sherrif to the world. We didn't ask you to. But you _are_ the strongest_. Except, we didn't elect you. You elected yourself.
So, an american vote makes the difference between life and death for a non-american. The impact far outreach your country.
So, please, _give up your vote_. Give it to us next time. Les us tell you what to vote. And at this point in time, we would vote for whoever is going to shift to focus back to the US, and away from foreing (military) policy. Get out of Iraq, go talk with Cuba (those people deserve better), keep the net neutral, shut down guatoma.
So, yeah, please, if you have any soul left, any sense of responsibility in this world, and you live in the USA. Vote Obama.
Thank you,
The rest of the world.